Keyboard Maestro 9.0.1 自动化神器

Mac毒搜集到的Keyboard Maestro 能将你的keyboard的作用发挥到极致,她能提供的服务不只是基础的Hot Keys,像应用程序快速操作菜单(Palette),程序切换窗口,宏命令同步,脚本执行,剪切板切换窗口这些功能才是人家的看家本领。Keyboard Maestro 9.0.1   自动化神器  第1张


Keyboard Maestro 的所有功能都由Marco实现,你可以将不同类型的Marcos归为到一组Group,而Marco本身只是个组织形式,真正的高手还是背后的Trigger,Script和Action。Trigger的种类除了Hot Key,还有Typed String(输入字符)、Application(应用程序)、Login、System Wake等15种;除了使用Trigger,我们还能使用Apple Script,Python Script等5种脚本来触发Action;Action的可选方案就更多了,大约有近百种这个级别。




Changes in 9.0

  • Support multiple editor windows.

  • Support Dark Mode (requires 10.14+).

  • Added JSON support.

  • Added OCR support.

  • Added extended Regex support.

  • Added support for Stream Deck.

  • Hardened Runtime.  Notarized.

  • Requires OS X 10.11 El Capitan or later.

Dark Mode Support (requires 10.14+)

  • Support Dark Mode.

  • Added Dark Mode preference (System, Light or Dark).

  • Added Set/Toggle System Dark Mode actions.

  • Added Set/Toggle Keyboard Maestro Dark Mode actions.

  • Added DARKMODE and KMDARKMODE functions.

JSON Support

  • Added Set JSON Value action.

  • Added Set Variables to JSON action.

  • Added Set Dictionary to JSON action.

  • Added %JSONValue%VarName[2+3].field.{%FieldName%}% token (and Pretty and Strict variants).

  • Added %JSONFromVariables%Prefix% token (and Pretty and Strict variants).

  • Added %JSONFromDictionary%Dictionary% token (and Pretty and Strict variants).

  • Added JSONVALUE(VarName[2+3].field.{%Variable%FieldName%}) function.

  • Added JSON Keys collection.

  • Added context sensitive COUNT() function within JSON array accesses.

  • Added filter to JSON Compact and JSON Pretty.

Stream Deck Support

  • Added Stream Deck Plug In.

  • Added Stream Deck Plug In to USB Device Key trigger.

  • Added Stream Deck Set Title action.

  • Added Stream Deck Set Image action.

  • Added Stream Deck Show OK action.

  • Added Stream Deck Show Alert action.

Changes in 9.0

  • Support multiple editor windows.

  • Support Dark Mode (requires 10.14+).

  • Added JSON support.

  • Added OCR support.

  • Added extended Regex support.

  • Added support for Stream Deck.

  • Hardened Runtime.  Notarized.

  • Requires OS X 10.11 El Capitan or later.

Dark Mode Support (requires 10.14+)

  • Support Dark Mode.

  • Added Dark Mode preference (System, Light or Dark).

  • Added Set/Toggle System Dark Mode actions.

  • Added Set/Toggle Keyboard Maestro Dark Mode actions.

  • Added DARKMODE and KMDARKMODE functions.

JSON Support

  • Added Set JSON Value action.

  • Added Set Variables to JSON action.

  • Added Set Dictionary to JSON action.

  • Added %JSONValue%VarName[2+3].field.{%FieldName%}% token (and Pretty and Strict variants).

  • Added %JSONFromVariables%Prefix% token (and Pretty and Strict variants).

  • Added %JSONFromDictionary%Dictionary% token (and Pretty and Strict variants).

  • Added JSONVALUE(VarName[2+3].field.{%Variable%FieldName%}) function.

  • Added JSON Keys collection.

  • Added context sensitive COUNT() function within JSON array accesses.

  • Added filter to JSON Compact and JSON Pretty.

Stream Deck Support

  • Added Stream Deck Plug In.

  • Added Stream Deck Plug In to USB Device Key trigger.

  • Added Stream Deck Set Title action.

  • Added Stream Deck Set Image action.

  • Added Stream Deck Show OK action.

  • Added Stream Deck Show Alert action.

Extended Regex and Case Conversion Support

  • Support \U, \u, \L, \l and \E in token fields including Search & Replace fields.

  • Support named capture groups (${name}) in regular expression replacement fields (10.13+).

Editor Enhancements

  • Support multiple editor windows.

  • Support for Increased Contrast.

  • Support contextual menu in Macros column.

  • Support contextual menu in Macro Groups column.

  • In the Insert Action/Token/Function by Name windows, Option-Double Click, and Option-Return open the wiki help.

  • Dragging a folder in to a macro now creates an Open Folder action.

  • Dragging a workflow into a macro now creates an Execute an Automator Workflow action.

  • Use VarName as the default variable name in more places.

  • Changed “Import Macros Disabled…” menu name to “Import Macros Safely…” to avoid confusion.

  • Added a Sort Disabled Macros to Bottom option.

  • Select from Recently Executed now focuses on Macros Column/Macro in non-Edit mode.

  • Added macros to Spotlight index (requires 10.13+).

  • Adjust macro name / trigger column resizing to allow for longer trigger names.



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