Fantastical 2.5.3 优雅的日历软件
Mac毒搜集到的Fantastical 2 Mac版是一款非常有实力的Mac任务日历软件,Fantastical 2 Mac版采用了全新的设计风格,和 Yosemite 系统十分贴合,并且提供了「Light」和「Dark」两种配色模式,可以切换左栏的颜色。
右侧的布局和系统原生日历十分相像,而在左侧则显示了该月日期及行程安排,并且还整合了系统原生的「提醒事项」。此外,本次升级后使用了 CalDAV,支持大多数日历服务,如iCloud、Google、Yahoo 等。
Fantastical的设计者Flexibits结合了Fantastical的传统优势,实现了完整的桌面体验,给用户带来了全新的Fantastical 2。Fantastical 2与前一代的最大区别在于,Fantastical 2现在作为一个完整的App可以让用户在独立窗口中查看全天、周、月、年界面。它的界面窗口使用了智能双面板设计,左侧显示正在运行的议程,右侧显示完整的日历。且Fantastical 2还具有自定义日历这一大特色,它还同时支持Mac上已建立的iCloud、Google以及Yahoo等的日历服务。
- Fixed an issue where some users encountered errors when saving reminders on iCloud
- Can now send a response message for invitations that you've already accepted
- Importing a ics file with a cancelled event will now delete the event if it already exists
- Fixed an issue editing All Future Events of recurring events on Exchange in some time zones
- Fixed an issue uploading attachments to iCloud with special characters in the file name
- Various fixes and improvements
- Can now send a response message for invitations that you've already accepted
- Importing a ics file with a cancelled event will now delete the event if it already exists
- Fixed an issue editing All Future Events of recurring events on Exchange in some time zones
- Fixed an issue uploading attachments to iCloud with special characters in the file name
- Various fixes and improvements