Postico 1.3 优秀的PostgreSQL客户端

Mac毒搜集到的Postico是一款Mac平台的优秀的PostgreSQL客户端,支持本地和远程云服务,Heroku Postgres, Amazon Redshift, Amazon RDS等Postico 1.3 优秀的PostgreSQL客户端  第1张


PostgreSQL 是一个功能强大的数据库。但没有理由使用它应该需要一个高级程度的关系理论。Postico 提供了易于使用的界面,使 Postgres 更容易得到新手和专家一致好评。

Postico provides an easy to use interface, making Postgres more accessible for newcomers and specialists alike. Postico will look familiar to anyone who has used a Mac before. Just connect to a database and begin working with tables and views. Start with the basics and learn about advanced features of PostgreSQL as you go along. Postico is an intuitive app for looking at data. Filter rows, sort them, rearrange columns. You can examine long text or images conveniently in the sidebar. Even related rows from referenced tables are shown. Edit rows directly, or use the sidebar, a great choice for long text. You can even change multiple rows at once. Batch saving (with SQL preview) lets you commit changes to multiple rows in a single transaction. Postico sports a query view inspired by Sequel Pro, the popular MySQL client. But with sophisticated features like multiple query results, Postico goes even beyond its role model.


Version 1.1:

  • Create Indexes for Tables and Materialized Views
  • Postico now has a really nice GUI for adding indexes. Existing indices are also displayed graphically (instead of raw SQL). #19
  • Add support for the Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pro #311
  • In the query view, Postico now immediately displays error messages even when a query returns rows. Additionally, Postico now displays a status icon after the query completes so you immediately see if it succeeded. #302
  • The elapsed time for queries is now printed with monospaced digits to avoid jittering.
  • Improved performance when editing large SQL scripts in the query view.
  • Are you annoyed that Postico automatically creates a favorite when you open a postgres:// URL? You can now disable this behavior with a hidden preference. Just execute the following command: defaults write at.eggerapps.Postico CreateFavoritesForURLs 0
  • Added purple color option for favorites.
  • Fixed a bug that caused high CPU usage while Postico is connecting via SSH #123
  • Fixed a crash when adding large files to bytea fields #299
  • Fixed a bug where using the Quick Open command accidentally filtered tables in the side bar.
  • Updated bundled libraries: libpq 9.5.5, OpenSSL 1.0.2j, libssh2 1.8.0.
  • Since libpq 9.5.5 no longer uses the shared SSL Context, this release should also fix a potential deadlock while connecting. When this happened, Postico just showed the message “Working…” and did nothing #294







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